
Mrs Tan Wan Yu

Mrs Tan Wan Yu is a Senior Education Consultant at Principals Academy and is a retired school principal who is actively engaged in part-time work assignments with the Ministry of Education.  In the past four decades, she has enjoyed making a difference in the lives of different profiles of staff and students at the primary, secondary and pre-university levels, as well as the Polytechnic, University and National Institute of Education.  Besides teaching, she was involved in developing the General Paper and English Language curriculum for the Pre-University, Gifted Education Programme, Express, Normal (Academic) and Normal (Technical) courses.  In between running schools and bringing up three active children and a grandchild, she found joy in having contributed to the Media Literacy Council’s Cyber Wellness efforts and volunteering as a Past-President and council member of ASCD Singapore.

Upcoming Workshops by 

Mrs Tan Wan Yu